three album trilogy RELEASE DATE TBD

No More Blue Skies
Bar East Ale House 11.10.12
Sugar Momma Cougar
The Bitter End 9.12.10
Welcome fans and friends to my website,
Both journalist David Wesley of The Wisconsin Sun Times and singer/songwriter/guitarist Ben Burn have been spreading vicious rumors about me online that I'm a disgusting degenerate and that I have stolen their money. This is patently false and defamation of my character and I intend to sue both of them to the fullest extent of the law. David Wesley of The Wisconsin Sun Times went so far as to break into my apartment one night, steal the PAB Bootleg Remix 3 of Ween's Gabrielle that I audio engineered for Ben Burn and is refusing to give the file back to me until I pay him $327. This is extortion. That's why I haven't been able to release it. It was completed months ago and is one of the best ones I produced.
Thanks for your understanding,